As a parent raising a child definitely has it share of rough and frustrating moments; for example having to stay up late because your baby isn`t ready to sleep, or having to change a diaper packed with a smell so pungent that all you can do is focus on not trying to throw up your morning breakfast, or even trying to teach your child something basic that they just don`t seem to understand but there are shining moments in parenthood which make all the rough times completely worth it.
Yesterday my son`s mother and I experienced a defining moment in our parenthood that I would like to share with all of you.
My son is currently 3 at the moment but will be turning 4 at the end of August, which means that he will be beginning his run at school this coming September. Yesterday was our chance to meet some of our son`s future educators at my son`s future school. It was a parent teacher meeting for all the upcoming children that will be starting school this coming term. At 6 30 pm all the parents and their children met up in one of the classrooms located in the school, we then met one of the teachers and the vice principal. They explained a few typical subjects then told us to go take our children to four different learning centres (magnetic numbers and letters centre, writing centre, reading centre, play dough centre)which they setup in four different classrooms throughout the school. Each centre was assigned with a teacher that explained activities that we parents should do with our children to help prepare them for the coming September.
In each centre my son along with all the other children had to do a few activities which basically was a test of each child’s knowledge and skill in subjects like numbers, writing, basic patterning, and hand control. As we stood and watched our son and all the other children do each activity a feeling of true happiness and pride surged through my body as I realized that my son was equipped with a large knowledge and skill in almost every subject. except when it came to using the scissors, he did struggle a bit but I was still proud to see him really focus hard on trying to learn how to cut the shape out correctly.
As a parent and individual it’s these moments in life which give me confirmation that I am heading down the right path. Of course I personally steer onto the wrong path a every so often but its moments like this that help refocus and center me in the right direction.
There have honestly been very few moments in my life that have made me feel as proud as I did yesterday and much of that is due to having a patient, focused, and responsible person to share in raising my son. I thank God everyday that I was blessed to share my parenthood with someone as wonderful as my son`s mother...
You are honestly the definition of a great parent and a real inspiration for all young mothers.
Ps. Please wish us luck, we have a long journey a head of us as we start a new chapter in parenting this coming September...
I just had to add this song/video to the post:
Lauryn Hill feat Carlos Santana - Zion
Thank you Joseph. This was a great read, it made me tear up because you took me on yesterdays journey once again as it reminded me how much our son is growing and how much time flew by so quickly! .. As I already mentioned, you don't have to thank me for anything because everything I do is by choice and I try to do and be someone for you and Elijah. You yourself are an amazing individual and although I don't show it, I'm always proud of you and appreciative of you. You are an amazing father and I'm also blessed to share our ongoing journey of parenthood together.
This kid right here is the future.
I look forward to seeing him grow and mature into a great young man in the years to come...
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